Manufacturing Industrial Robots Industrial Automation Services Your Partner for the Future


DR-700 Delta Robot

DR-700 is a parallel robot perfect for high-speed and high-precision applications. The robot has outstanding motion performance with short cycle time, and high accuracy for payloads up to 3 k, and is available in two models, 3 and 4 axes.

Gantry Robots

Trust Ray offers you 2 and 3-axis automation solutions via its Ganrty Robots with the highest levels of efficiency and precision. We can build on-demand Gantry Robots to meet the specifications of space and size needed for our customers’ applications.

SSR-600 SCARA Robot

Highly accurate and flexible SCARA robots are used to enhance production processes' quality and efficiency. With our robots, we provide our customers with the availability to automate their cost-sensitive processes easier and more economically.

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Trust Ray Robotics

Your partner for the Future

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